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When You Stand Before God

Michelle Rogers

When you stand before God and look back at your life, what will you see?

A self-centered existence or selfless servanthood?

A few years ago, after attending a funeral, I saw myself standing before God. In that moment, I imagined what God would see when He looked back into my past.

I was overwhelmed with shame.

Shame as I saw the wasted energy and resources that had been consumed by things of this world. Things that truly didn’t matter.

Years of my time and resources used up trying to achieve worldly accolades from my successes.

Decades of my time and resources used up trying to achieve worldly accolades on how beautiful my home was, what the neighbours thought., how full my wardrobe was, the type of vehicle I drove, how many different places I’d traveled to, whether my children wore brand names or not… and on and on this painful view extended into my past.

I wept.

And then something changed in me.

In that moment of regret, I cried out to God. I asked Him to show me what truly mattered. To help me focus on matters of worth that will reach far beyond my last day on this earth.

He has replaced my old lens with a new lens. A lens that is helping me to see past the tiny span of time I am on this earth and into the vastness of eternity.

And honestly, it’s challenging at times. Things of this world are tangible; they offer feel-good moments that are instantaneous. The rush of endorphins and serotonin can become an exciting, driving force.

But! As I focus on serving God and His agenda, I am elated by the overwhelming abundance of blessings and favour in my life. Blessings that exceed the short-lived rush this physical world and its achievements have to offer. Blessings that fill my heart with true joy and fill my cup to overflowing.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:5-6

On my last day in this world, when I stand before God, as He looks back into my past, my deepest hope and prayer will be to hear Him say: “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” My heart’s desire will be to have served Him well. Matthew 25:23

Praying God will help us all to see what really matters. To focus on the great commission, knowing our true treasures lie in heaven and not in the hay and stubble of this earth.

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Blessings ♥


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